Lawrence, Kansas

oread neighborhood

a quality, mixed density neighborhood
Thursday, 13-Mar-2025 13:54:39 EDT

Oread Home


about the neighborhood

Oread Historical District

Watkins Museum of History

Castle Tea Room

Oread Area Map (full screen opens in new window

neighborhood organizations


ONA Meeting Minutes and Newsletters

ONA Bylaws


ORA Mission

Oread Historical District

An historic district is a special area established by City Ordinance or National Register Nomination, with defined boundaries, which contain a high concentration of historically and/or architecturally significant buildings. An historic district is a group of historic resources that are deemed significant as a collection of structures. The principal purpose of the district is to protect significant buildings within its boundaries from unnecessary or insensitive destruction, alteration or removal. The Old West Lawrence Historic District and the Oread Neighborhood Historic District are examples of historic districts.

The City's historic preservation ordinance and the state historic preservation statutes require projects within a certain distance of the listed property be reviewed for possible effects on the listed property. Structures or sites located within 250 feet of a property listed on the Lawrence Register of Historic Places are considered to be within the environs of the listed property and are subject to review. Structures or sites located within 500 feet of a property listed on the Register of Historic Places of Kansas or the National Register of Historic Places are considered to be within the environs of the listed property and subject to state law review.

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This page last updated on Tuesday 04 September 2012