Lawrence, Kansas

oread neighborhood

a quality, mixed density neighborhood
Tuesday, 15-Oct-2024 18:31:20 EDT

Oread Home


about the neighborhood

Oread Historical District

Watkins Museum of History

Castle Tea Room

Oread Area Map (full screen opens in new window

neighborhood organizations


ONA Meeting Minutes and Newsletters

ONA Bylaws


ORA Mission

oread residents association

The Oread Residents Association honors the history and diversity of the Oread Neighborhood and is dedicated to preserving its unique qualities to benefit all residents of the neighborhood.


oread neighborhood association

President: Serina Hearn
Vice Pres: Rick Kupper

Membership is open to any person eighteen years of age or older living or owning property within the geographical boundaries of the neighborhood. All members of the neighborhood association can serve on the Board of Directors.

The ONA depends on active residents and property owners of the neighborhood to issues such as short and long range planning and development, historic preservation, neighborhood character, city ordinances, and residential safety.

Send questions and information

responsible alcohol use in the neighborhood

Oread Neighborhood advocates responsible alcohol use.

Click here to go to Alcohol and KU
Click here for "Hosting Smart Parties" brochure from the University of Colorado at Bolder
Click here to report a City Code Violation

good neighbor ordinances from the city of lawrence

PETS - You are responsible for control of your pets--Animals should not disturb the peace. Long-term barking, howling or other sounds are distracting and can annoy your neighbors.

Animals should be under owner's supervision and on a leash when off their owner's property to prevent creating a hazard or disturbance to people, animals and property.

TRASH - Please don't put trash out earlier than Monday, or 24 hours before collection:
Tues: Mississippi St. -- Downtown;
Wed: Mississippi St. -- Michigan St.

NOISE - Music should not be heard outside of your house. It is illegal to play music from a vehicle that can be heard from 50 feet away.

Brawling and offensive language are a disturbance of the peace and aren't allowed in public. Fireworks are not permitted within the City limits.

PARKING - Do not park on lawns or sidewalks. Vehicles parked on streets must be moved every 48 hours.

Never park your bike where it can get in another person's way. If you park in an alley, make sure it doesn't block stairs or doors.

It is illegal to lock your bike to a tree, fire hydrant, street sign, stop sign, or streetlight. A parking meter is acceptable unless it is in front of a handicapped parking spot.

MOWING - Property owners are responsible for mowing, trimming and maintaining their property including areas in the right-of-way.

OUTSIDE STORAGE - You may not store loose items of trash in your yard or on your front porch

This page last updated on Monday 13 February 2023